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All the foods have been packed with VALKO table-top chamber vacuum packaging machines.
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All the foods have been packed with VALKO table-top chamber vacuum packaging machines.
Learn moreTrim the eggplant and cut lengthways into slices about 1 cm thick using the slicer. Season with the chopped herbs, salt and pepper.
Place in a bag and proceed with a degassing cycle in order to open the pores of the fruits and allow all of the seasoning applied prior to penetrate into the fibre. At the end of the cycle, vacuum seal the bag as much as possible and proceed with cooking in the heat bath at 85° C for 30 minutes.
It's now time to focus on the sauce! Wash the vine tomatoes, cut into quarters them place on a hot grill. Next, take a saucepan and lightly sauté the onions in a knob of clarified butter before adding the grilled tomatoes. Then cook, for about 15 minutes over a high heat. At this point, with the help of a powerful kitchen cutter, emulsify the sauce with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil along with salt and pepper.
Then proceed to make the basil sauce. First, blanch some green basil leaves in slightly-salted boiling water, then blend in some olive oil with a powerful kitchen cutter. Strain the mixture through fine mesh and place in a blast chiller. Then, cut the pachino tomatoes into quarters and proceed with at least a couple of degassing cycles in a vacuum bag previously “seasoned” with chili oil.
Finally, cut the eggplant into cubes, coat with egg and then the bread crumbs before immersing them in the clarified butter. Then proceed with plating: lay the eggplant cubes on a layer of grilled tomato sauce and decorate with a hint of basil sauce and the pachino slices that were compressed in the vacuum-sealed bag.
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