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The love for hygiene

The love for hygiene

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In compliance with the art. 13 of the Italian Legislative Decree no. 196 dated 2003 and with the art.13 GDPR 679/16 I hereby authorize the use and process of my personal data
Sending you this form which I personally filled in, pursuant to the articles 7, 13 and 23 of the D.Lgs. n.196/2003, I declare to be aware of the privacy policy by Sartoria Saintandrews Milano spa, to be exhaustively informed about my rights and to be aware of how and where to exercise them, therefore I GIVE MY CONSENT to Sartoria Saintandrews Milano spa for the treatment of the information released for the specified purposes in the aforementioned policy.

Knife sterilizers

Where the naked eye cannot see, we fortunately have machines that are able to catch the smallest details. Advanced and intelligent systems like our water based and UVC lamps knives sterilizers designed to perform simple but crucially important tasks. Our solutions eliminate 100% of any trace of germs providing after every treatment, knives which are perfectly sterilized, from the handle to the blade.

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