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Sending you this form which I personally filled in, pursuant to the articles 7, 13 and 23 of the D.Lgs. n.196/2003, I declare to be aware of the privacy policy by Sartoria Saintandrews Milano spa, to be exhaustively informed about my rights and to be aware of how and where to exercise them, therefore I GIVE MY CONSENT to Sartoria Saintandrews Milano spa for the treatment of the information released for the specified purposes in the aforementioned policy.

HOST 2021

Milan HOST is back in attendance and is preparing to celebrate the relaunch of the entire HoReCA sector. The focus of this latest edition? SAFETY and INNOVATION. Two very topical issues, which we will combine, with inventiveness and originality, with that of ECO-SUSTAINABILITY and DIGITALIZATION.

The result? A large stand capable of projecting you into the future, into OUR future. To a time in which kitchen equipment, in addition to respecting the highest standards of quality and reliability, are extremely efficient, eco-friendly and fully controllable. This last feature is guaranteed by VALKO SYNERGY, advanced monitoring software capable of detecting and optimizing equipment manufacture.

But not only. Inside the stand, you will discover the latest Made in VALKO technology, including IDROMAX 250 HC, the 470 H50 LINE and many other innovations destined to revolutionize the market forever. All, of course, with an eye on the environment. 

Seeing is believing!

HOST 2021
Dates: 22-26 October
Location: Milan
Hall: 3P
Stand: L33-41 N34-40

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Web Design, Art Direction and Web Programming / FRI-WEB; The pictures are protected by the law of copyright and it is illegal to use them without a written permission.